GSP Member Donations

Welcome to the GSP Member Donations page!

The GSP Member Contribution form is for you to upload photos, family records, Bible records, indexes, transcriptions, and other records to contribute to the GSP website.

Please include a description of the collection or items that you are uploading. By contributing these items, you are granting GSP permission to feature them on our website, but you still retain ownership of these items for your own use.

If you have software to make PDF files searchable, we would appreciate it if you could make them searchable in advance and let us know that you have done this when you upload them. If you don’t have this software, please let us know and we can make them searchable.

If you are comfortable with renaming digital files, we ask that you rename each file by right clicking on it and renaming it in the following formats. If you are not comfortable with renaming files, please include a description of the items or upload an inventory of them so that we can identify the items and rename the files.

For collections of records, please rename in the following format, if you can:




If you have questions, please contact

Thank you for contributing to our collections! Your contributions help with our efforts to preserve genealogical resources and make them available for people.

Add the collection or item name
Add the date or date span of the collection or item
Add a description of the collection or item
Indicate whether this collection or item is for GSP members only or for public viewing
Your first and last name
Your GSP username (email)
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.
Upload your document or collection here, up to 10 files at a time. Thank you for contributing to our collection! Your contribution will help in our efforts to preserve genealogical and family history resources.

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