« PGM – Pamphlets

Chronological List of Philadelphia Churches 1642-1790


A Chronological List of Philadelphia
Churches and Cemeteries 1642-1790

PGM Vol 30, No 3, pp. 150-172

COLONIAL PHILADELPHIA reflected the Quaker spirit of tolerance in welcoming many divergent religious groups to the settlement. The history of religion here is unique in the number of intradenominational heresies and schisms leading to the founding of new creeds and churches. This can be confusing to the researcher trying to find religious records for this period. Of great assistance is Charles R. Barker’s “ A Register of Burying Grounds of Philadelphia” , a record of churches as well as cemeteries. Since this is only available in manuscript form at the library of The Historical Society of Pennsylvania and is assembled according to denominations, it was felt that a chronological list would be of value to researchers.

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