
GSP Newsletter – Public Collection

The GSP Newsletter is published monthly, with seasonal bimonthly issues in winter and summer. The newsletter is available to the public on the GSP website and through emails to subscribers. Contents include family history topics, news of upcoming events, regular columns, and questions and contributions submitted by readers.

Pennsylvania Genealogical Magazine – Member access only

The Pennsylvania Genealogical Magazine (PGM) – called Publications of the Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania from 1895 until 1947 – was the third oldest continuing genealogical publication in the country when it went on hiatus in 2015.  The editors and authors of PGM have been among the nation’s preeminent genealogists, and include seven of the thirty National Genealogy Hall of Fame members. More than fifteen have been Fellows of the American Society of Genealogists.

Penn in Hand – Member access only

The first Penn in Hand (PIH) newsletter was published in February 1980 and included news of genealogical societies across Pennsylvania, information on upcoming genealogical events, research tips, and a list of new members. In 2016, the Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania began publishing Penn In Hand as an online-only publication, after which the publication went on hiatus.

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